
上大学不仅仅是去上课. 在十大网赌网站大全, 十大网赌网站大全为学生提供各种参与方式, 玩得开心, 学习和建立可以持续一生的关系.


You can stay active on your own or by taking 健身 classes at the Student Center. Or join a club that matches your personal interests or ties into your program of study.


Joining clubs will make you a better student and member of the campus community. 这也让十大网赌网站大全变得更好, more fulfilling place for your fellow students and leaves a legacy for future Hawks to follow.

参与. 让自己的生活和别人的生活有所不同.

学生活动咨询委员会(SAAB) -  Works collaboratively to plan programming that enhances  student life for the Hocking College community. 通过社会和教育项目, 旅行, 萨博致力于吸引学生,并负责小型和大型校园活动, 比如全霍金学习日, 开始一周, 社区服务计划, 和回家. 

如果会员参加每个预定的会议并协助/实施一个大型活动,将获得200美元的奖学金. 任何人都可以成为会员! 感兴趣? 接触, Kat Colburn colburnk@霍金.edu




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工作日上午9:30 -下午12点
周二 & 星期四下午5点至8点
周六 & 周日:只出租



十大网赌网站大全学生中心是校园的客厅, 也是俱乐部活动的举办地, 体育, 健身, 有氧运动, 水上运动,  毕业典礼 和更多的. 学生可以享受以下内容:

  • 攀岩墙提供了一个测试你极限的机会.
  • 在十大网赌网站大全的室内游泳池学习水肺或皮划艇.
  • 在十大网赌网站大全的室内跑道上跑步或散步.
  • 在十大网赌网站大全的健身设施锻炼.
  • 享受十大网赌网站大全的篮球和排球设施.
  • 参观鹰店为您所有的HC服装.

十大网赌网站大全学生中心对十大网赌网站大全的学生开放, 工作人员和成员在全年正常会议期间的日常工作.

Memberships are available to the community through monthly, annual and day passes.

十大网赌网站大全也提供访问 银色的运动鞋 成员.

If you have any questions about campus recreation or if you would like to visit our facility,  十大网赌网站大全的学生中心 740-753-6535.

想举办泳池派对或举办活动? 联系 events@霍金.edu 安排你在学生中心的下一次活动.

订阅十大网赌网站大全日历查看所有活动 & 活动  查看学生活动日历


在校园里找点乐子, 加入十大网赌网站大全的独木舟滚会议, 在室内攀岩墙上保持你的攀爬技能,或者在学生中心外的球场打一轮飞盘高尔夫球.



十大网赌网站大全的目标是通过提供创新的服务,通过挑战将人们和体验联系起来,从而丰富人们的生活, 冒险领导和团队合作.

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校内体育活动全年都有. Competitive and recreational leagues are offered for all-men, all-women and coed teams. 参加校内体育活动是免费的(可能需要交押金),体育冠军会得到奖励. 没有看到你想尝试的运动? 告诉十大网赌网站大全,十大网赌网站大全会帮你找到其他感兴趣的人.


  • 校内旗帜橄榄球联赛
  • 篮球
  • Pickleball
  • 举重比赛
  • 乒乓球


  • 篮球和垒球校内联赛
  • Pickleball
  • 篮球
  • 排球
  • 高尔夫练习场



没看到任何你感兴趣的俱乐部? 开创你自己的事业!
欲了解更多信息,请咨询学生中心工作人员 或填写此表格. 


参加十大网赌网站大全的学生俱乐部和组织是结识他人和追求个人兴趣的好方法. 你会发现各种各样以项目为基础的俱乐部, 荣誉社团和服务组织, where you can network with others who are passionate about the same topics, 与教职员工建立联系, 为你的职业生涯培养技能.



The Rainbow Alliance Club is a safe place for anyone who wants to join. 十大网赌网站大全是一个没有评判的空间,欢迎愚蠢的人, 奇怪的, 刻板的, 失去的, 和自信的人一样. 女同性恋, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿, 双性恋和无性恋学生,以及那些想要更好地与LGBTQIA+社区的朋友和家人结盟的人. 还有那些想要见面和社交的学生. This club participates in various social events including 电影之夜, 琐事, 讨论和教育.

指导老师:凯蒂·沃尔特斯 waltersk32910@霍金.edu


The FFA organization prepares 成员 for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. 十大网赌网站大全FFA分会通过会员活动支持这一理念,例如支持高中FFA分会的努力, 在十大网赌网站大全的会议上邀请/与演讲嘉宾互动, 策划/执行分会筹款活动, and participating with recruitment as ambassadors for Hocking College and the FFA organization. 俱乐部每个月的第三个星期三在自然资源大楼一楼的大厅举行会议. 

指导老师:Debbie Arnold - arnold26378@霍金.edu 


助人鹰社工俱乐部是一个致力于为所有成员创造一个有趣和友好的环境的俱乐部. Our main purpose is to build strong foundations of friendship and camaraderie among our 成员. 十大网赌网站大全相信回馈校园和社区以及完成服务行为的重要性. Our club meetings are held every Monday from 9-10 am in the Hawks Nest. 欢迎所有人参加并加入十大网赌网站大全的使命,为十大网赌网站大全的校园和周围社区带来积极的影响. If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to contact us.



超自然俱乐部举办关于闹鬼地点的讨论, 谈论个人经历, and learns how to make and use equipment for paranormal research properly. Ghost hunts are planned and the club is open to anyone who believes in the paranormal.  欲了解更多信息,请联系

指导老师:Jessica Handa - handaj@霍金.edu


时尚俱乐部是为那些对时尚有热情和抱负的学生而设,他们希望在十大网赌网站大全扩大自己的创造力. Membership is open to any active Hocking College student (from any program). 俱乐部每两周举行一次会议,每周三下午2:00 - 3:00.m. 约翰·莱特大厅363室. 感兴趣 students should contact the club president, Fatima Feika (student), at feikaf@霍金.edu. 

指导老师:珊瑚·韦德尔 wedelc@霍金.edu

会议日程: 时尚俱乐部日历


 This is a club centered around enjoying the finer culinary things in life. 过去他们做过分子烹饪的演示, 自制干香料, 罐头, 马卡龙和冷萃咖啡. They have also done a Pumpkin Carving Workshop and a field trip to Jungle Jim's. 他们最近的一次筹款活动是“幽灵万圣节焦糖苹果”. On the horizon, they plan to have demos for Sushi, Kimchi, Cheese and many others. 他们还计划去天助市场实地考察, 哥伦布一家正宗的日本杂货店. For possible workshops, they plan to offer Macarons and Cheese Making. 最后,他们可能会进行一场剁手式的比赛. This club is open to the whole school, so you don't have to be in the Hospitality programs to join. 俱乐部每周二下午4点开会.m. 除非另有说明. They meet at The Lodge in the Demo Kitchen in the Culinary building across the street from Main Campus.

指导老师:科里·克莱里 claryc17306@霍金.edu


野生动物俱乐部是十大网赌网站大全最古老的俱乐部之一,隶属于野生动物协会(学生分会)。, an international organization dedicated to Wildlife Research and Conservation (http://wildlife.org/).  The local student chapter participates in wildlife-related events throughout the region, attends conferences and other events that help students network in the field, 完成校园内外的野生动物保护项目, 参加收养高速公路计划, build and sell wildlife boxes (such as bird and bat boxes) to the community, 并尽可能多地开展社区保护活动, 尽可能.

指导老师:Sayre Flannagan - flannagans@霍金.edu


The Swim Fitness club is a freestyle and core focused club working on all muscle groups in the body. 十大网赌网站大全注重身心健康. 这将是一个自由评判区,对所有水平的游泳者开放. 十大网赌网站大全专注于在泳池里短暂的一小时里尽十大网赌网站大全所能地努力游泳,同时在十大网赌网站大全的大学社区里建立牢固的友谊.

指导老师:切尔西·沃利- worlyc@霍金.edu

学生联系人:Austin Seberig - seberiga@霍金.edu


来摇滚学生事工吧! 教育部最初是由学生们创立的,他们希望对十大网赌网站大全校园产生积极的影响. 这个以学生为主导的团体为每个寻求探索或加深基督教信仰的人提供了一个欢迎和支持的环境. Meetings aim to promote spiritual growth through weekly Bible Study and prayer time, 并通过各种活动联系,如过夜静修, 电影之夜, 篝火, 和游泳. 不需要之前的教会背景,因为俱乐部营造了一个环境,个人可以从彼此的观点中学习,并在他们的信仰旅程中共同成长.

指导老师:辛西娅·鲍尔斯- bauersc@霍金.edu



国际俱乐部(I-Club) at Hocking College welcomes students of all backgrounds and nationalities, 通过全年的各种活动促进联系. I-Club促进文化理解和多样性, offering activities such as International Education Week and participating in cultural festivals. The Club aims to represent and support the international student community, creating opportunities for multicultural learning and collaboration with the broader college community."

指导老师:Eladio Vassell - vasselle41091@霍金.edu



Alpha PHI Omega:

Alpha Phi Omega兴趣小组是一群有服务意识的学生,他们寻求在十大网赌网站大全建立Alpha Phi Omega国家服务兄弟会的新篇章. Alpha Phi Omega is a co-ed service fraternity open to all students and focuses on community service, 领导力发展, 奖学金, 社区建设. 在十大网赌网站大全建立分会的过程中, 十大网赌网站大全将举办几场服务活动, 连接APO的其他章节, 并为在霍金大学校园建立一个积极的社区做出贡献.

指导老师:卡萨诺瓦·格林- greenc35637@霍金.edu

Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会:

Offers a wide range of service, leadership and scholarship opportunities to students with a good GPA. A number of scholarships are available to students who are interested in going on for a four-year degree.  Students who are associate degree-seeking; one-year certificate/diploma-seeking; bachelor’s degree-seeking; part-time; workforce; transfer only (not earning an associate degree or certificate); previously earned another degree; international; dual enrolled with high school and college, 等. are eligible for 成员hip if they meet the 成员hip criteria stated in the local chapter’s bylaws. 一般, associate and bachelor’s degree students must have taken 12 hours of college-level coursework. 获得证书的学生必须完成6个小时的课程.

指导老师:Terry Koons - koonst@霍金.edu.


十大网赌网站大全的黑人学生会(BSU)是一个由学生管理的组织,在参与的同时倡导学院学生的需求, 教学, 讨论, 探索校园内外黑人的经历.

该组织将计划和执行活动,以鼓励社区和支持学生团体. The BSU serves as a liaison between students of African descent and other minorities and the campus.



NSLS是美国最大的经认证的领导力荣誉协会. 学院根据学生的学术地位或领导潜力来挑选学生. Candidacy is a nationally recognized achievement of honorable distinction. 

除了这个光荣的荣誉, NSLS为会员提供了一个循序渐进的计划,通过参与校园或在线活动来培养他们的领导技能. 项目完成后, 会员将获得领导证书,并成为校园和全国最优秀的学生领袖之一. Members are able to list their affiliation on all statements of personal accomplishment, 包括他们的简历.

指导老师:Terry Koons - koonst@霍金.edu.


Provides students with opportunities to connect with 成员 of local natural resource clubs. 为学生在公园和博物馆的职业生涯做好准备,同时提供专业机会,培养高标准的奖学金, 校园和社区对野生动物和历史问题的认识.

指导老师:科尔·波茨- pottsc@霍金.edu


下一步的计划是让潜在的雇主或业内人士每隔一次会议就来和俱乐部分享他们的林业经验, 规划和实施林业活动(如植树), 筹款活动, 其他几个月去露营(远足).

指导老师:大卫·朗克尔- runkled@霍金.edu


Hocking college rock climbing club is a student run organization for new and experienced climbers alike. In the club we learn about and practice bouldering and top rope sport climbing. 俱乐部在岩壁上的学生中心举办 星期三 从下午5点到8点. 十大网赌网站大全还计划去当地的健身房和户外目的地. Climbing is a great way to become stronger, build community, and enjoy nature!

指导老师:Thomas Gawf - gawft@霍金.edu



十大网赌网站大全希望为热爱排球的学生提供机会,让他们有组织地继续比赛. We will teach anyone willing to learn the basics and get better together. 在一个小团队中打球会带来很多友情和友谊. 十大网赌网站大全计划每周在学生中心见面1-2次,定期举行比赛/锦标赛或简单的游戏. We plan to organize a school tournament and connect all the people interested in giving the game a try.

指导老师:Thomas Gawf - gwarft@霍金.edu

学生联系人:Lane Kozinski - kozinskil@霍金.edu

订阅十大网赌网站大全日历查看所有活动 & 活动  查看学生活动日历



学生有机会参加选拔 电子竞技, 射箭、 马术,m男子和女子篮球,mEn是足球,w是预兆的排球. 

探索田径网站了解更多 体育运动.霍金.edu.
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Starting the next phase of your life through education may seem daunting. 这就是为什么十大网赌网站大全在这里帮助你走好每一步.
